"The benefits of daily practice of aerobic exercise, including
the football or soccer are typical examples are evident in both
healthy subjects and in those with elevated triglycerides, low HDL
cholesterol (the cap), arterial hypertension, obesity, metabolic
syndrome and diabetes, "says Robert Fox prevention and
Protection Service of the CNR.
"There are many studies that show that, compared to sedentary
people who engage in regular physical activity, with workouts 2-3
times a week and then play at the weekend, have an increase in HDL
cholesterol and a reduction in triglycerides, the blood pressure,
body weight, waist circumference, blood glucose and, consequently,
cardiovascular risk. Also - continues the expert - the practice of
football stimulates bone mineralization, helping to prevent
osteoporosis, improves lung function, helps fight anxiety and release
tension, and it is perhaps for this reason that people physically
active smoke less. "
So, although the data Institute of Health indicate
that a good chunk of the adult Italian population does not practice
regular exercise and lasting, it is important to persuade people to
change their sedentary habits. "It is needful to practice a
physical activity like it - Fox shows - so it is not seen as a
sacrifice, but you must remember that the choice is influenced by age
and physical condition. And those younger than 60 years and / or
concomitant cardiovascular disease is well advised just brisk walking
or using a stationary bike, and younger subjects with no evidence of
cardiovascular disorders, sports like football are indicated as it
brings benefits on metabolism. "
However it is never too late to go back and play some football game
with friends, as long as you respect a few simple rules. "We
need to do a check-up - said the expert - and, if the doctor deems
appropriate, including a stress test. You have to start in a gradual
manner, increasing only subsequently and progressively the intensity.
Furthermore, after a match it must always rest, in order to allow a
full recovery of the micro-lesions muscle-tendon which will
inevitably produce performing any physical activity to a certain
level ".
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