Wednesday 24 April 2013

Summer, It Has More Time For The Sports

Summer, It Has More Time For The Sports
But if we take for a champion without ever to train the rest of the year, our muscles and tendons will not appreciate!
Some tips to get back to the sport in the summer, safely.

Resume a sport in the summer: Yes, but with caution!

Time, space and a motivation to any test to find the form: it is good, but it is not everything.
In sports, it is not because we want to, we can!

To return to the sport in the summer: know the risks

Muscles, tendons and ligaments may suffer as much as in summer, the temperatures are high.

However any dehydration can have far-reaching consequences: 1% of water loss (700 g for a 70 kg adult), it is 10% less muscle capacity.

It will therefore be necessary to resume smoothly and after medical advice always once past the cap for 40 years.

Indeed, the risk of accident is greater that are totally lacking drive. That it overstates its capabilities on the pretext that 20 years earlier, we were good sports or even that one is involved in a match or we follow a group of stronger than US friends, it compels us to force.

Every year 10,000 of holidaymakers, too eager to engage in a sports activity, are the costs of such carelessness, with key, cramps, and elongation, of sprains, sprains, but also sometimes a myocardial infarction.

Do everything to avoid accidents involving sport summer

Many accidents occur at the end of meeting (due to fatigue) or in the hottest hours of the day (due to dehydration).

  • The best prevention is therefore to sport at the time where the temperatures are still mild (early morning).
  • We must also think about drinking choice 2-4 Sips 10-minute an orange juice cut with water by adding salt, at the rate of 1 to 2 grams per liter, because their fructose is the ally of the muscular effort of long-term, or even, a bicarbonate water as mineral water.
  • Always nutritionally, small dishes rich in meats and meat are to consume in moderation because proteins produce waste that overwhelm the kidneys and promote Tendonitis.
  • It is best to prefer carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice...).

Finally, it is better to do various sports, in small doses, to avoid all focus on the same muscle group.

And above all, never use force, even to grant a pause when it feels the need: If we can't talk without mincing words, is that it is already above our capabilities.

React well incident at a meeting of sport

  • If we have a muscle contracted into a ball and that hurts:
This indicates a contracture and announces that the muscle was over-committed, too long.
It is high time to stop, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

In the meantime, to relieve, can massage the leg, from ankle to the heart and stretch it to relax the muscle contracted.

  • If you feel a sudden pain:
Muscle fibers are torn will (breakdown).
This happens when our activity is too long compared to our physical capabilities. As the injured Member should be landfill, there is nothing else to do but to quickly consult. The doctor prescribed more often than crutches and a dozen sessions of physiotherapy to redo work smooth muscle.

Obviously, it is more about move during the holidays since there at least for 3 weeks of treatment!

  • If it twists the ankle:
An external ankle sprain, due to the distension of the ligament - the most common case - for example occurs when you put the foot in a hole.
If the pain disappears as soon as it presents the foot flat on the ground and that there is neither swelling nor blue, no need to consult. Just relax for the day.

But if the market is painful or even ankle swollen, there is more choice: if necessary, the doctor may decide, often after x-ray, a contention or a plaster for 3 or 4 weeks (when a small bone of the foot was torn).

  • If you feel pain in the hours after the workout:
It's probably an inflammation of an over-committed tendon (tendonitis).
Surely even if we play tennis with a tennis racket too heavy, too tight rope or if one has a very bad technique (tendonitis of the elbow). Alternatively, if you run on a hard floor, with bad shoes: this time, it is the Achilles tendon that is affected.

The solution: put cold to ease and leave the sick tendon at rest, for at least two weeks.

  • If the pain persists even months:
It is that the initial problem is not accurately captured in charge.
It may operate, especially in the case of ligamentous instability after a badly neat sprain.

A good reason to make every effort when the incident occurs!

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